Only the Ocean
Analog Photography | Bach, Austria | First Contact Print | Analoog Studio Arnhem, 2024

With Sincere Sympathy
Installation consisting film & oscillating fan | Paviljoen aan het water | Rotterdam 2024
With Sincere Sympathy
is the 3rd and final part of the trilogy 'Everything is in motion' which likes to flirt with the concepts of hope, faith and love. We end with the beginning; a hopeful meditation on the inevitable.
‘What I make is often about the question of what it is to be human, including its finitude. Over the past 10 years I have been able to indulge my fascination with festive symbols and rituals in various short films and installations. Tompouces, balloons and rotating fans regularly played a (main) role in my work.
Now is the time to say goodbye to this childish wish to stop time, but not before celebrating this obedience to my own fascination one last time.
Embalm Time
Analog Photography | Keilewerf | Rotterdam Art Week 2023
Video Installation | Kunsthal Kade Amersfoort 2023 | Paradijskerk Rotterdam 2022

Analog Photography | Italy 2021
Everyone you’re looking at is also you - James Baldwin

Anders Kijken
Photography project in healthcare | Amsterdam 2021
Seen from there
Analog photography | Rotterdam 2021
Analog photography | Hoek van Holland 2020 | Kunstprijs Charlois 2022
Once upon a time, we had
experiences in a faraway place
Installation | Jedan Osam Jedan | Rotterdam 2021 | @jedan_osam_jedan
Installation consisting of projectors and collages made from found film
A photograph can be seen as a souvenir of a moment, of an encounter that really happened.
Everything we experience and collect, we can not bring along when our time here is over.
Surrendered to those who listen, which stories do you want to be remembered?
How will this last memento look like, before the light bleaches out all shapes and colours and fades out the experience we once had in a faraway place?
Change it while it’s
changing you
Photography | Publieke werken | Rotterdam 2020
A visual research about the ongoing process of
creating and participating
To hold on
To let go
To be loved
To be abandoned
Always looking for this resolution
This temporary climax
To start all over again
Like waves.
Opening Publieke werken
Chaos, a love affair
Film with Marcel Herkelman | Worm & Galerie de Jaloezie | Rotterdam 2020
Now here we see, the wildest of love affairs. An intimate embrace of structure and chaos. The shaper and the shaped. The masculine and the feminine….
Chaos, a love affair is a story about the lovemaking between the two hands of God. Combining delicious, erotic images, with an integral philosophical approach to the masculine and the feminine.
But not now
Installation & Performance | Beautiful Distress | Amsterdam 2019
Detail of the installation
It is possible, says the gatekeeper, but not now.
The Trial, Franz Kafka
By waiting you submit yourself to a rule. This might not be a big deal if you’re waiting for the sun to rise.
But what if you are not there by your own choice? What rules are you forced to submit to? Who came up with that rule? Suddenly waiting becomes about autonomy. You are told not now, but maybe later. And there you are. Waiting.
Back & Forth
Heen & Weer | Documentary with Marcel Herkelman | Rotterdam 2019
En als de pont dan weer zijn weg zoekt door het ruime sop, dan komen er werktuiglijk gedachten bij me op. Zo denk ik dikwijls over het geheim van het bestaan, en dat ik op de wereld ben om heen en weer te gaan.
Drs P – Heen & Weer
A poetic documentary that dives into the small worlds that take shape within the cars of solitary commuters. Worlds that are so integrated in our daily lives, that we don’t even see them.
This documentary shows you how unique this space in the car actually is. There is a delicate balance between paying attention and drifting away that gives the driver just the right ingredients for a meditation-like experience.
A place of contemplation, sandwiches behind the wheel, running from your self and finding peace in between places.
Discovery of species
Analog photography | Amersfoort 2017

Spare the world from the planets
De wereld van de planeten ontzien | Book | Zebra Straat, David Store | Ghent, BE 2015

Canadian Sunset
Film with Marcel Herkelman | Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Eye Amsterdam, Kunsthal KAdE, Torpedo Theater, Lantaren Venster | Amsterdam 2013
As humans we have the ability to get a feeling from almost anything. This can be actions, words, nature or even objects.
This movie will present you with objects combined with movement and sound. Hopefully, this will generate a story for you.
Looking where i can
not see
Kijken waar ik niet kijken kan | Installation consisting film, drawings & analog photography | Gerrit Rietveld Academie, TENT Rotterdam, Cinerama Rotterdam, Castrum Peregrini, Zebra Straat & David Store Ghent BE, TENT Athens GR | Amsterdam 2013
Nominatie TENT Academy Awards 2013
For the Tent Academy Award we’d like to give a honorary mention to Rachel Heemskerk for Kijken waar ik niet kijken kan.
Rachel has made an intriguing portrait, questioning ways of interviewing in a very personal way. The film is a powerful attempt to get inside the psyche of someone close, without getting there. She uses the camera as psycho-analytical tool, but doesn’t get caught in the therapeutic trap. The structure of the film, which does not take more than 5 minutes, is extremely well balanced. It has emotion without getting over emotional; it gets close by keeping just the right distance both in words and in setting.
Detail of the installation
Eternity is a mere moment, just long enough for a joke
Film | Flutgraben Berlin GE, Hard//Hoofd | Amsterdam 2012
Film | Soestduinen | Gerrit Rietveld Academie | Amsterdam 2012